The Benefits of Usability Engineering

Would you buy a car without test driving it? Would you build a house without reviewing the plans and being involved in every stage of the process?

Of course you wouldn't.

Why is that? It's because you are the customer and you want to ensure that the car and house meet your needs and requirements. That's what usability engineering does, it ensures that your customer will be satisfied and their requirements are met.

Benefits include:

  • Cost Saving - Missed requirements, workflow and design issues are identified earlier in the design meaning less cost to implement.
  • Minimizes Application Maintenance - 80% of changes are due to unforeseen user requirements and 20% are bug fixes, usability targets the 80%
  • Improved Quality
  • Minimizes Training - a usable system requires less training. In addition, usability testing can also identify the areas you need to focus on during training
  • Increased Productivity - allows users to focus on the tasks they want to complete with fewer distractions.
  • Increased Satisfaction - information I need + easy to use = satisfaction

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